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Recordings available at all good record shops, and on Amazon and iTunes

Exiled: Music by Philips and Dering

Rose Consort of Viols; David J. Smith; Choir of King's College, Aberdeen

'With the Rose Consort listeners know that they will be hearing consummate performances. David Smith is not only the world expert on Philips now, but is also himself a fine harpsichordist' (Early Music Review 5*)

'This is a lovely disc as regards both content and recording quality, and I heartily recommend it.' The Consort

Philips, 1580 Pavan, four-part version reconstructed by David

The Rose Consort of Viols

00:00 / 02:32

A Much Travel'd Clown: Première Recordings of Scottish Bassoon Music

Lesley Wilson, Kate Friday, Thomas Miller (bassoon); Myra Chahin (cello); David J. Smith (piano); Pete Stollery (electronics)

'Lesley Wilson, with her colleagues, bring these pieces to life with assured playing in some challenging writing'

Marcus Blunt, Lorenzo the Much-Travel'd Clown. IV: Allegretto Comodo

Lesley Wilson (bassoon); David J. Smith (piano)

00:00 / 02:21

O Sacrum Convivium: a Feast of Sacred Music

Choir of King's College, Aberdeen; David J. Smith (director, organ)

An ‘unforgettable experience ... the text is interpreted with great sensitivity, intelligence and breath control ... Bach chorale preludes provide contemplative interludes between the vocal works’ (Choir & Organ 5* review)

J.S. Bach, Vom Himmel Hoch da komm ich her, BWV 701

David J. Smith (organ)

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